with turmeric and olive paste
The idea behind this recipe is to emulate a classic East Java beef dish known as Rawon Sapi which features a special ingredient, keluwak, a hard black nut fermented for 4 months to create a wonderful earthy flavour. While keluwak is almost impossible to find in UK, a good black olive paste is a wonderful alternative. This hearty stew goes well with rice or mashed potatoes. Serves 6-8.
Main Ingredients:
1kg top side beef, cut into bite sized pieces
1 large onion, peeled and chopped finely
2 tablespoons olive or sunflower oil
50 gr RASAKU spicy turmeric paste
50 gr black olive paste
Salt and black pepper to taste
For garnish:
2 large tomatoes, chopped into small cubes
Small bunch of parsley
2-3 tablespoons of crunchy shallots
Cooking Directions
Brown the beef. Season with salt and black pepper.
In a large heated pan with oil brown the beef in several batches for 2-3 minutes each side and set aside in a bowl.
Using the same pan, add the onion and saute for 3-4 minutes. Add the turmeric and black olive paste and mix well. Return all the beef to the pan and add hot water or stock.
Bring to the boil then cook for 2-2 ½ hours over a low heat or until tender. You can add more black pepper if you wish. but no salt
Divide the stew into 4 or 6 portions. Garnish with chopped tomatoes, parsley and crunchy shallots, and served with rice or mashed potatoes and your favourite vegetables.
small bunch of chives, sliced thinly
3 curly chillies or 6 red birds eye chillies for a more spicy flavor, sliced thinly
2 tbsp of crunchy deep-fried shallots